Mastering the Art of Acrylic Painting

What if I showed you how to...

Master The Simple Painting Techniques EVERY Aspiring Artist Needs To Know

To start seeing the results you are looking for in just DAYS... not YEARS!

Are you ready to create stunning paintings of your own... rather than messy blobs of paint that never turn out how you want? 😩

You're in the right place!

In just ONE class, I'll show you everything I've learned in 3 decades of painting!

This comprehensive course is designed to take you from beginner to master, revealing the techniques and methods used by professional artists. 

Imagine being able to understand the magic behind creating vibrant colors and creating textures that literally make your artwork pop off the canvas! ðŸ’¥

What you'll get:

  • Learn about different types of acrylic paint, and how to choose the right one for your artwork.

  • Discover the secrets of color mixing, and how to create a palette that's uniquely yours.

  • Brushwork will no longer be a mystery as you master different strokes to create a variety of effects.

  • Dive into the fascinating world of texture in acrylic painting.

  • Learn how to use different tools and materials to add dimension to your work.

  • Create pieces that are not just visually stunning, but tactilely engaging too.

All while creating 24 gorgeous acrylic paintings of your very own!

Unlimited access to 7 Modules, 42 Lessons, over 18 hours of painting instruction and Painting with Yvette Artists Facebook community where you can share your work, ask questions and be a part of a warm and welcoming community of students.

$97.00 USD